Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nerd Movie-Ladies

Hello again!

So I'm just gonna come right out and say it, I'm a huge movie nerd. And that sort of nerdiness is on no way a secret; I'll quote Tarantino (my future ex husband, and he doesn't know that yet, so shhh), quote The Rocky Horror Picture Show word for word (hellooooooooo, lonely childhood!) and I actually own a movie called Kung Fu Death Punch. I'm the sort of elitist asshole who patiently explains that my old myspace name was not from the original "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari" but from the 80s b-movie, "Dr Caligari," and will argue until proven wrong who was in what movie which year and which awards were won...often times continuing after I've been proven wrong. But movies are an excellent source of nerd girls, and sometimes, you get the sort of awkward love story that freaky hermits like myself can swoon over in between rounds of Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon.

Today's Nerdy Movie-Lady is:
(from "Eagle VS. Shark" (2007))Played by Loren Horsley

Lily, while lacking in nerdy obsessions, is the sort of awkward, sweet person that you want to just scoop up and put into your pocket forever. (is that weird?) She and the love interest (played by Jemaine Clement, a la Flight of the Conchords) have a meet-cute at a party devoted to dressing as your favorite animal. Him, an eagle, and she, a shark. (Hence the title...betcha didn't see that one coming, hmmm?) Better yet, their eyes meet and sparks fly during a video game tournament! She's a social outcast with a heart of gold, like we all are, and it is her isolation that opens the movie (she is mocked at work by her coworkers). The movie is wrapped around Lily's devotion to Jarrod (Clement) and Jarrod's devotion to revenge over a highschool bully. And isn't that something that all of us nerdy folk can relate to? This is the sort of indie movie I can handle, and the kind of love story I can love.

Check out the movie trailer below:


  1. also, I just want to point out that it looks like your blog lives in Minecraft. And that I approve.

  2. We are officially on for a Mystical Ninja date, Lu. And no, neither you nor Felix gets a say in that.

  3. just because the charmander named after you has a stupid name doesn't mean we get no say anymore!
