Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boobs. (Vol. 2)

The Fallout 3 Edition!

Lulu and I decided that we'll be posting regular segments twice weekly- on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays are Roundup days (more on that on Tuesday!) and Thursdays are our other regular segment days! Today- Nerd Girl Bras, or... Boobs!

I'm in love with Fallout 3. Seriously. So, I thought I'd make a bra for it! Picture after the jump!

It's a messy place out there in Post-Apocalyptia.

There may be a tutorial forthcoming, we're not sure yet.

Thanks for reading, chiiiiiillllldren!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. Did you ever make a tutorial for it because I'd love to know how/ bribe you to make me one
