Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not a roundup

Here is a vocal recording of what happens when Lulu and I try to have a meeting about 8 bit runway. Voices are; miss Felix, miss Lulu and our good friend and [hopefully future contributor] Grace. Please enjoy!

8bitMeetings by missFelix

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


As you can clearly tell from the title of this post, I want to share with you a recent adventure I had in the form of a game. This game:

I may not understand abbreviations very well.

For those of you who have never heard of this wondrous game, never fear. I'm only slightly judging you. Pictures, etc. past the jump.

On-the-road roundup

This week, my excuse is that I'm moving LITERALLY across the country. My wonderful mother and I are driving from Portland, OR to Stockbridge, MA. So... I'll be out of it for a while.

HOWEVER, As I am smart and hear your collective complaining about my absence, I've planned ahead. Here is today's roundup, as well as at least one bonus post. Fret not, I'll be back with vengeance when I move into my new place. I almost promise.

Presented without comment.

Presented without comment.

Presented without comment.

I will comment if someone buys this for me.

Probably correct.

I'm on a meme kick. Sorry.


Pure truth.

At least school would have been easier.

This shit is why you read this blog. I know it is.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Another Dame to Keep an Eye On

Greetings, quarter pounders with cheese!

A short and sweet update today, as I find myself craving the worst of the worst of the fast of the food. I'd like to share the writings of one of the classiest ladies I've ever known (and I don't care if you're a born and bred nerd or a freakin' cheerleader; class is ALWAYS necessary); like seriously, I saw here wearing some sort of a fur stole the other night and she actually wasn't playing dress-up. Not to mention, she's a talented writer to boot, and her stories are darkly funny and often insightful. Presenting: The Infamous Coat Check Girl.


Read and enjoy. Later, gators!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My New Internet Girlfriend

Greetings, cat people!

Presenting candidate number two for my new internet girlfriend (candidate number one is somewhere further down the page). This is her eHarmony submission (but not really), and the video pretty much says it all.

But wait, it gets better! This video has been songified!

Credit, as usual, goes to (the curious case of) Mr. Muffin.

No roundup. Because I hate you.

That's probably not true. I don't... hate you. CLEARLY! Because I'm giving you this amazing video. Watch it, and the Limbo Idiot Box!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nerdy Style Icons Vol...something...

Greetings, impressionable youths!

Okay, so its been so long since we've done one of these that I lost track, and its too early in the day to find out. So, presenting Nerdy Style Icons volume SOMETHING...

Claire Fisher, made famous by the long-running HBO series "Six Feet Under", is the twenty-something art school-y daughter of America's favorite funeral-home family. (Sweet wounded Akbar, that's a lot of hyphens!) Claire is cynical, dark and independent as all hell, and has a unique sense of style that stands the test of time; I'm watching the show again after the finale in 2005 and I'm still impressed by her unique flair. Played by the oft-underrated Lauren Ambrose, Claire is the perfect puzzle piece to complete the picture of one of America's most fucked up families. (I mean, if we aren't counting the Devil's Reject's crew)

So why is she a style icon?

Because her signature style is not only creative, but has a distinct sense of "Don't Give A Fuck." Claire wears what she likes, doesn't care for how clothes fit or go together, its all based on who she is. The fact that she's a weirdo makes her a nerd style icon, but all of us could learn something from a person so brash and independent.
Ambrose has said, of her character, ''She's an afterthought in the family. She's sort of raised herself. She seems to need boys a lot.... She's always on the verge of being okay.''

Well, we love you, Claire, afterthought or not!


(all of which to be purchased at a Goodwill, you poser)

- 3/4 sleeve top from the nineties in a dark color
- jeans OR a long hippie skirt; extra credit if its covered in patches of some kind
- military issue bag to be worn over the shoulder
- purposely bulky shoes; Birkenstocks, penny loafers, etc.
- paint splatters, darkroom fluid, embalming chemicals everywhere
- GORGEOUS HAIR, oh my goodness.

I was too lazy to dress up a la Claire myself, but you can just squeeze your eyes shut and imagine!

Notable Claire quotes:

"I feel like I'm trapped underwater."
"Well, isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?"

"It's like, how many evildoers do you have to kill before you become one yourself?"
"If we live our lives the right way then everything we do can become a work of art."

Peace, love and Cheerios!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bonus for Experts

Greetings, McPeople!

Do you remember how I told you that planking was out and tea-potting was in, because these are the rules I make for the world?

Here's something even better!

Now go forth and cone!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Planking is for Dipshits

Greetings, board people!


In reading this article today, I'm reminded of how silly this whole planking thing is and of my own confusion in regards to why this is still going on. People have evidently died while planking...haha, what? Dying for an honorable cause like Facebook pictures, now, that's something I can get behind...

To summarize the article, a Gamestop employee took it upon himself to, while the store was empty, "plank" (meaning, lay horizontally on top of something OMG SO COOL) on top of two kiosks and tweeted them. Unfortunately, his boss didn't think it was too funny, and fired him (and the dude who took the picture), and as we all know in this economy, being fired for misconduct means no government assistance while you're looking around for some other highschool retail job.

[By the way, dear readers, let us be clear; anyone who has a mere ounce of sympathy for this guy should take a moment to remember that he was willfully dicking around on the job and making the store look bad, and that gets you fired from pretty much anywhere.]

So, my lovelies, I'd like to introduce you to a much better internet craze; its feminine, its classy, and gents can partake too....


Yes yes yes! Examples below. Go ahead and like it on Facebook, too!

You're welcome.