Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nerdy Style Icons Vol...something...

Greetings, impressionable youths!

Okay, so its been so long since we've done one of these that I lost track, and its too early in the day to find out. So, presenting Nerdy Style Icons volume SOMETHING...

Claire Fisher, made famous by the long-running HBO series "Six Feet Under", is the twenty-something art school-y daughter of America's favorite funeral-home family. (Sweet wounded Akbar, that's a lot of hyphens!) Claire is cynical, dark and independent as all hell, and has a unique sense of style that stands the test of time; I'm watching the show again after the finale in 2005 and I'm still impressed by her unique flair. Played by the oft-underrated Lauren Ambrose, Claire is the perfect puzzle piece to complete the picture of one of America's most fucked up families. (I mean, if we aren't counting the Devil's Reject's crew)

So why is she a style icon?

Because her signature style is not only creative, but has a distinct sense of "Don't Give A Fuck." Claire wears what she likes, doesn't care for how clothes fit or go together, its all based on who she is. The fact that she's a weirdo makes her a nerd style icon, but all of us could learn something from a person so brash and independent.
Ambrose has said, of her character, ''She's an afterthought in the family. She's sort of raised herself. She seems to need boys a lot.... She's always on the verge of being okay.''

Well, we love you, Claire, afterthought or not!


(all of which to be purchased at a Goodwill, you poser)

- 3/4 sleeve top from the nineties in a dark color
- jeans OR a long hippie skirt; extra credit if its covered in patches of some kind
- military issue bag to be worn over the shoulder
- purposely bulky shoes; Birkenstocks, penny loafers, etc.
- paint splatters, darkroom fluid, embalming chemicals everywhere
- GORGEOUS HAIR, oh my goodness.

I was too lazy to dress up a la Claire myself, but you can just squeeze your eyes shut and imagine!

Notable Claire quotes:

"I feel like I'm trapped underwater."
"Well, isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?"

"It's like, how many evildoers do you have to kill before you become one yourself?"
"If we live our lives the right way then everything we do can become a work of art."

Peace, love and Cheerios!

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