Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My musical chronology!

Greetings, nostalgic people!

To begin a series of music-themed posts, I'd like to start with a little bit of personal humiliation. Why, you might ask?

A) This is the internet, the world of humiliation
B) I'm hoping that everyone will immediately forget the random disappearance for a month
C) Music is the language of the soul, or some bullshit
D) All of the above

(Yes, you may use a calculator)

Additionally, Felix and I are somewhat mysterious, and this will offer at least some insight. One of the most important aspects of being a (total fucking) geek is an unhealthy dose of nostalgia and obsession; mix that with some introspection, and you have what lies waiting under the cut. Besides, I think its healthy to look back on your younger years. And weep.

1996 - Young Lu is a G
This was, for real, my favorite song when I was eight. I remember getting my very first radio alarm clock, tuning it to whatever station that existed at this point, and just flipping my shit whenever this came on. I had no concept of what the lyrics meant, what a diggety was, but...I gotta be honest, this is still my jam.

1997 - My Husband, Savage Garden
This was the very first CD I received for my birthday, to be played on my boom box. I don't care who you are, you LOVE this song like a fat kid loves cake, and have pressed play, and are shaking your booty. One of the comments on the Youtube page pretty much sums it up: People might think it was the style, but the truth is that everyone's hair was wetter in the 90s because rain was more aggressive back then. Fact.

1998 - Pre-goth
I had this friend who introduced me to Orgy, and we were both convinced that we were going to marry Jay Gordon. Both of us. And I wasn't at all concerned that I was cheating on Savage Garden. I was a little whore.

Later in 1998 - Dear Lord, What is Happening to our Daughter?
I want to say that I marched into the store with my new found appreciation for black hair dye and nailpolish and demanded some Marilyn Manson, but because of the rating of this CD, I had to have my mom purchase it. She wasn't sure if the thing on the front was male or female; all she knew was that it was time to say goodbye to her normal child, and hello to the cave creature that would soon inhabit the house during my adolescence.

1999 - The Anthem
So sexy, almost evil, talkin' bout butterflies in my head.

2000 - My One Night Stand with Fred Durst
If there's anything we, the children of the late eighties and early nineties, have to be ashamed of, it is the brief romance with Fred Durst. Now, I'm not saying that I didn't spend like twenty minutes (just now) jumping around to this, or that his cover with that dude from Staind (now, there's a band to cry and cut yourself to) wasn't mega pretty, but I get the feeling that behind all his bravado, he's a huge softy. I enjoyed finding this again mostly because it reminds me the good parts of being an angsty teenager. Am I totally sure what those good parts are? No.

2001 - Pop-Punk Princess
This was around the time that pop punk got big. You're bopping your feet around to this right now, by the way. You wanna yell at people in convenience stores, shave your head, and play with a goose too; but you never will. Because pop punk portrays something to a group of people who will never, ever do that thing.

2001 - My Five Minutes as an Emo Kid
Aww, don't you remember what its like to not fit in? Don't you remember what it was like to feel like you knew this one band that none of your friends had heard of? And doesn't this dude look like he's twelve?

2002 - Lu Fancies Herself to be a Punker
My first boyfriend who probably didn't turn out to be gay was a punk rock kid from Brazil. I was the kind of smitten you can only be in high school and began to leech onto his music, and the music of our friends; the music stuck and the boyfriend didn't.

2003 - Agh, To Mi Radi!!
So in 2003, Felix and I had this best friend who was from Serbia. She knew every word to this song, and the three of us would rock out to it and embarrass ourselves thoroughly. See, this is what Fred Durst aspires to be.

2004 - A Healthy Dose of Techno
I wouldn't be where I am today without techno, and I'm pretty sure that this is what made me go full-circle back to goth, which we'll discuss later. Around this time, the movie Party Monster came out, and I started visiting an underage gay club that plays the best goddamned techno in Oregon. It is because of the drag queens that I befriended there that I can successfully walk in heels.

2004 - I've Seen It.
However, techno or not, I still had a little punk in me, and MSI was sort of the perfect blend. I still dig this band, but I can't go to their shows anymore because their current fanbase makes me feel like a pedophile.

2005 - A Well-Meaning Friend Attempts a Rescue
We all have that friend who has excellent musical taste and is so much cooler than us for that reason...my friend was sorta into emo and sorta into pop-rock. She did her best to yank me away from the dark side, but failed, through no fault of her own.

2005 - Still Techno, but French
At this point, while my classmates were doing the Thizz Dance, I decided to reject all modern music and listen to Air, Blur and other semi-techno electronica.

2007 - A Well Meaning Boyfriend Attempts a Rescue, and Also Fails
The One That Got Away also had excellent music taste, and took me to their show. We listening to Marilyn Manson on the way home. Nice try.

2008 - Youtube, Y U NO EMBED?!!?
At this point, I started dating a DJ, and the techno turned into Electronica, even though they're basically the same thing at a different tempo. Go check out the actual video on youtube...definitely worth it.

2009 - Somebody Writes A Song About Lu!
...and its about how she cares too much about her job. No joke. I was dating the lead singer of this band, and this song was inspired by my being upset about having a bad day at work and wanting to talk about it. And so began my dark descent into industrial.

2010 - The Most Miserable Year Ever
Aaaaaaaaaand back to the techno. Industrial is kinda like angry techno, and this year, I had plenty to be upset about, so it was nice to strap on some six inch vinyl platforms and stomp around.

2011 - Lu Remembers Who She Is....A Giant Dorkus-Malorkus
After a traumatic year, I went all heads-over-heelsies for someone way cooler than I am, who is solely responsible for me seeing or knowing about anything awesome for this entire year. After a year of barely being allowed to play any video games, it was past time for me to fall back in love with NES. Among other things. This is the kind of white-boy rap that I can get behind.

2011 - Full Circle, Back to Goth
I was laying on the table at Skeleton Key Tattoo, here in Portland, OR, and I was complaining about this one song that I couldn't remember the name of that is constantly stuck in my head. The tattoo artist was doing her best to help me, but we were lost; and like magic, this comes over the sound system. Aint life magical sometimes?

So there you have it, my evolution to the freakish thing I am now...feels good to get it out.

Stay tuned!

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