Thursday, October 6, 2011

Man-flavored Eye Candy

So, as we get further and further into autumn, I am reminded how nice it is to have someone to snuggle up with on cold nights. Since I lack that most of the time now and will lack it 100% of the time coming up here real quick, I turn to you: the internet.

[Studio audience: Jesus Crispies, are all of your posts going to be this depressing after your main squeeze leaves?!?!?]

Yes. As a matter of fact, in an episode of weird single behavior, my new roommate and I skipped down to our local Dairy Queen (A block away. Bad idea.) and bought an entire ice cream cake for ourselves...and ate 75% of it in four days. Half-off Tuesday Cakes will be the death of us both.

But anyway, I digress.

Without further ado, with a post shamelessly stolen from the well-meaning folks at, some man-candy for you to look at in classic pin-up poses.


More at the source.

Until next time, behave yourselves! For god sakes....

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