Thursday, July 21, 2011

All about Va-Jay-Jays

Well, since this is a lady-run blog and all, I thought that we here at 8-bit Runway could take a few moments out of your day to talk about lady-parts. The mysterious va-jay-jay. The hoo-hah. The girl-down-there part.


Also, just kidding, Felix would never have condoned this. That's why I don't tell her about things before I do them anymore.

First of all, and where would you find this OTHER THAN on Warren Ellis' blog, motherfucking zombie dildos, made especially to make your hoo-hah happy, and your dreams scarred for life. And second of all, a robotic va-jay-jay that can give birth to a fake fetus. I assume this would be useful for some scientific purpose, and thats why they made it, rather than "Hur hur...LETSA MAKE A SEXY RUBBER'A LADY. ITSA ME, MARIO" (which is what I would have said, with all this science at my disposal).

These are things that you might not be able to un-see. YOU'VE BEEN ADEQUATELY WARNED.

I kinda saw this coming.

The manufacturer, Necronomicox, also makes a Cthulu model, available through their Etsy store., but between you and I...I just...don't know how its gonna fit in there...please, someone buy this so we can get a testimony, I just wanna know what you did with it. WAIT, I mean I just wanna know


The second horrifying piece today is a fully artificial hoo-hah, which actually isn't made for sexy time ("in theory") but for simulated child-birthing scenarios. Basically, if, for whatever reason, seeing zombie cock got you all randy, this will un-do it.

Yep, its a video. With sound. All thanks to the folks at Geekologie.

Next week, we'll talk about where babies come from! Now, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...

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