Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seriously, though, Portal?

Yeah, I'm behind the times.

I just ordered this totally awesome water bottle, care of the monkeys over at ThinkGeek.

Cool, huh? It's glass, which means I'll probably break it within two weeks. Lucky for you, I'm taking bets on how long it will last. I also may be running out of money.

So, there's the thing about Portal 2. I ended up introducing a LOT of people to Portal via Portal 2 this summer. I lived in a large house (and I mean large, like with 50 or more people), and many of them had never heard of Portal. I played through it, capturing the attention of many. They were smitten from the get-go, and let's be honest, who wouldn't be?

Because I had an audience, I felt really smart when I figured out puzzles quickly, and advanced quickly. It also meant that I got to explore a whole lot less than I would have liked to- they wanted to see puzzle solving, not exploring every nook of a very well rendered and flushed out game world.

Yes, if you've played through Portal 2, you know what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to say that I missed ALL of the Rattmann story. All of it. I saw his little drawings, sure, and I was aware that he existed in the framework of the game, but I pretty much missed everything else pertaining to it. I missed all but the two first dens, and am very sad I did, because they look awesome.

You can read more about Rattman here.

In other big, not Portal news, it looks like the Ender's Game movie is actually a go this time, with stars like Harrison Ford signed on! Yay! Here's hoping they don't fuck it up!

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